
Birdie’s Choice – Seeds to Pellets Conversion

This method allows birds to choose from 3 different novel pellet diets, of varying colours and shapes. It is good to also include different sizes – some birds like to size up or down from the size recommended for their breed. All three pellet types are offered, and the bird chooses the one that appeals most to him. This method best suits smaller birds like cockatiels and budgies that normally feed off the ground in the wild.

Decision time
The bird is first placed on the tabletop and allowed time to explore and get comfortable with the location. Place the three different types of pellets in small piles, each pile a few centimeters apart. The piles should contain just a few pellets of each type, so the bird can see exactly the shapes, sizes and colours. Ensure the piles are well away from the table edge so there is no chance of the bird taking a tumble.

If the bird approaches one pile, but stops short of trying a pellet, encourage him by tapping a fingernail on the table right by the pile – mimicking the sound of a beak tapping at the food. If he does not approach any piles, try tapping at each pile in turn to get his attention. Do not rush him – give him time and space to consider each pile.

In addition, give him lots of praise “Good bird” or use his name, increase the praise if he actually tries a pellet. Birds will work to gain praise and attention from their owner – we are working here to positively reinforce any interest in the new pellets.

If the bird likes to be touched, a head scratch is another good form of encouragement for approaching or trying the new pellets.

Another way to encourage the bird to interact with the pellets is by using a bird safe mirror. Birds find mirrors fascinating, simply because they do not comprehend it is their reflection in the mirror – they simply see another bird. By placing some pellets on a mirror, when the bird approaches the pellets or tries them, he sees another bird eating the pellets and is further encouraged to eat. Be aware that some birds can be fearful of the bird in the mirror – if this is the case, this is obviously not a good tool to use.

How long does this process take?
Each day keep offering the bird the choice of pellets on the tabletop until he shows strong interest in one particular type and begins to eat them. For most birds this will happen within a week. Do not carry out these sessions more than once a day – be patient. Once he has made his choice, fill the bird’s food dish with these pellets and placed in the cage for him to graze on. Initially continue to praise the bird whenever he is seen approaching or trying the pellets in the cage. Ensure the pellets are available day and night and that there is always plenty of fresh water near – some birds enjoy dunking their food. Be sure to refresh the pellets daily or any time they become wet or soiled.

Do not offer the old diet once the new pellets are in the cage – it will discourage the bird from eating the new pellets.

How much is enough?
Weigh the bird each morning at the same time to track his weight during the conversion process. Losing a few grams (up to 10% of body weight) is normal – the bird has been fed a high-fat, seed-based diet and is changing onto a lower fat pellet diet. If he loses more than 10% or appears lethargic or unwell at all during the process, he needs to see a veterinarian immediately.

Another way to monitor pellet intake is to count the droppings in his cage – put a clean sheet of white paper towel in the bottom of the cage each morning so you can see how many droppings are passed each day. He should produce at least one every few hours. Whilst considering dropping – as the bird’s diet changes, so will his droppings; they may become looser, or even change colour to the colour of his preferred pellets.

This is a great conversion method particularly for small ground feeding species that enjoy interaction with their owner or are finger tame. It is also good for owners, as it provides opportunity and incentive to spend time and engage with your bird.

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Postdate: 29th March 2020