It’s never easy taking our feline friends out of the house for a visit to the vets. We will share our tried and tested tips on how to make the experience a calm and and comforting one.
- The car journey. No one likes to put their cat in a carrier, but it is a must for their safety and yours whilst in the car.
- All cat carriers are not created equal so make sure you choose yours carefully. Your cat should have enough room to sit and lie-down comfortably. Some have openings on the top, front or both, just be sure the locking system is sturdy and it has enough ‘windows’ so your cat can see and breathe comfortably.
- Having the carrier in plain sight will alleviate a lot of anxiety for your cat so let your cat discover its carrier in her downtime.
- To ease the stress of your cat, put its favourite toy or piece of your clothing in the carrier so it has a familiar object to play with or smell on the journey.
- Some cats aren’t as bothered about carriers and other cats loathe them. If you remain calm, chances are your cat will too. Whether your carrier has a top or front opening, gently coerce her in and give an assuring pat once she is settled.
- This might sound like common sense, but it is imperative you get this step right. If the carrier moves or even worse, falls off the seat, it will cause great stress on your cat. As our cars are so hot at any given time of the day, it’s also a good idea to put the AC on a few minutes before you put your cat in the car just to be sure the environment is as comfortable as possible.
- You have made it to the clinic! Now it’s time to be ultra careful with the carrier. No knocks or abrupt moves will ensure your cat remains as peaceful as possible.
- Be sure not to sit next to any dogs, birds, mice or other animal that may excite your cat.
- Now that you are done follow everything in reverse!
It’s also a good idea to take 1 cat to the vet at a time to avoid any stresses on you or your cat.
Postdate: 13th Aug 2020